While I had high hopes for this project, I am disappointed to say that I was unable to complete it. I ran into many challenges throughout this process. I first had creative difficulty with sealing a cohesive narrative and getting it started. I toyed with a million different ideas that I made up on photoshop, but I was not satisfied with any of them. Eventually, I knew I had to just start animating, so I started experimenting in After effects with some of my Photoshop pieces; This is where I faced real trouble. It was hard enough to figure out how to properly use the program, and technical difficulties only made it that much harder. I worked for hours upon hours to create several animations and I finally had a decent amount of footage, when my laptop crashed and I lost all of it. I was so discouraged at that point, but I was determined to keep working. I spent hours in the library using their Macs trying to recreate what I had, but I was frustrated and unhappy with everything. Eventually, I bought a new laptop and started working on there, and even then I had several crashes. Unfortunately, this is the only saved video I have now.
I initially wanted to send the message to never take life for granted by telling the story of my growing up. In this scene, there is a happy baby (me) who I animated as a butterfly, flying through a beautiful field of flowers and light. My vision was that once the baby butterfly left the scene, a new, older version of me as a butterfly would take her place, illustrating her growing up. In each scene, the butterfly would grow older and represent a different stage in my life. Each scene would get darker, gloomier, scarier, and more depressing, until we finally reached present day. I am very upset that I never got to finish this project, but I hope to return to it in the near future and hopefully bring my vision to life.