Having never used Adobe Audition or attempted the creation of a soundscape before, I initially found this project quite daunting. Without a well-defined plan or a clear idea of what message I wanted to convey, I faced the challenge with some apprehension. Recognizing that waiting for a brilliant idea to strike might only fuel procrastination, I finally decided to just dive into the process by experimenting with various soundbites in the hopes of stumbling upon inspiration.
I explored all of the sounds in our shared folder and ultimately selected around 20 that resonated with me. Using my favorites of the sounds, I then started putting some tracks together that I felt could eventually tell a cohesive story.. My original composition featured a combination of a flickering lighter, the rhythmic sound of a pencil on paper, guitar strumming, tapping on a container, and drum playing.
The auditory landscape led me to imagine someone grappling with the creative process of writing a song in their bedroom. In my mind, I envisioned frustration expressed through crumpled papers, the ebb and flow of lines being written and erased, and a series of experimental efforts culminating in the creation of music—a journey that paralleled my own experience with this project.
This project taught me the art of experimentation. While it was unnerving for me to head into a project with no clear direction, the spontaneity in the way my narrative came about was perfect for this scenario. My piece starts by someone experimenting with their writing and ends with them performing their final piece; Their song. My process of creating this soundscape is very similar to that of the main character of the piece.